The following password-protected areas of the web site are available to active Chrysler 300 Club, Incorporated members only.
NOTE: Remember user name and password changed in January 2024 and are published on page 2 or 3 of each issue of BRUTEFORCE.
If you're not currently a member and would like to join, click here for the membership application form in PDF format for printing.
BRUTEFORCE magazine is a publication of the Chrysler 300 Club, Incorporated and is generally published on a quarterly basis. It is mailed out to all current members and includes a wealth of information as well as the Chrysler 300 Club, Inc. Club Store listings.
Issues of the magazine are available online for club members only.
- Click Here to log into the protected area to access the current and recent issues of BRUTEFORCE.
User name and password are case sensitive. Make sure your CAPS LOCK is off.
Members have access to The Chrysler 300 Club, Inc. store where you can find various restoration items, manuals, gift items, as well as back issues of the club magazine.
The club store listings are in the back of every issue of BRUTEFORCE.
Membership Roster and Other Club Information |
The roster of current club members is for the private and personal use of those members only and is username and password protected. Club members have been furnished the user names and passwords and may request a reminder of these access codes by contacting any club officer or consultant and properly identifying themselves.
Club members may not pass the access codes on to any non-members. Members have been offered the opportunity to delete some or all of their personal and/or car information and should contact the club's membership manager to update or delete information found on this online roster.
While this roster is periodically updated, said updating is not instantaneous. The date shown under the address in the individual member data is the expiration date of the member's membership in the club. The names of members whose memberships have expired will periodically be removed from the roster.
Members are encouraged to view their data and provide the membership manager with any updates. We are making an effort to update personal and car data and ask that members furnish the VINs, engine S/Ns, original and current body and top color(s), equipment on each of their 300s and include any special information and provenance on their cars.
This additional information will not be posted due to space considerations, but is available in the club database for special studies and research.
- Click Here to log into the protected area to access the club roster.
User name and password are case sensitive. Make sure your CAPS LOCK is off.