46th National Meet, San Diego, CA, September 21-25, 2016
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2016 San Diego Show and Meet September 21st to September 25th, 2016
held in San Diego California
Awards Presentation - Congratulations To All

Bruce Toelle With Opening Remarks

Randy Hastie & Rich Barber

Rich Barber & Paul Torkelson

Rich Barber & Frank Nicholson

Rich & Ruthanne Barber Acheivement award

Rich Barber & Brad Brody

Rich Barber & Ken Brody

Rich Barber & Frank Nicholson (again)

Rich Barber & Henry Mitchell
A quick tour of Gary Nelson's Fabulous New Shop The tour was also treated to a wonderful lunch prepared by Linda Nelson.

Long view looking through shop that is 75ft deep.

Some Club Members in front of Gary's 57 Imperial convert under way for frame off restoration.

Rear view of Gary's 57 Imperial, loaded with "STUFF" as he transported from Carson City NV to new shop in So. CA.

Gary's 57 300C under way for frame off restoration. He had a metal crafter for 208 hours hand massage every square inch of the body. It will be the straightest 57 C around.

That is Gary's 23 "T" Roadster that he started building in 1957. It has a 300C hemi in it.

Front of shop shows 3, 12ft x 12ft overhead roll up doors.