Ironstone Concours - 2017
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The 21st Annual Ironstone Concours De Elegance was held September 23rd and we were able to garner 8 members with 9 cars present that justified a "300" Class of it's own. A listing of the members and their cars is shown below. Steve Simon won the class with his 300 G and the award is also shown. Heres hoping that we can continue to support this event in the future and be able to maintain a class for the "Beautiful Brutes". The pictures of the cars present are shown below. (photos by Steve Simon)

Steve Simon's 1961 Chrysler 300 G which won the class.

The Classs Award.

There were four award of merit ribbons awarded to the other top cars in our class.
They were, Doug Warrener, Joe Hensler, John Webber and Bob Jasinski.

Doug Warrener Red 1960 300 H Conv.

Doug Warrener Red 1962 300 H Hardtop

Joe Hensler Red 1959 300 E Conv.

Frank Messina White 1960 300 F Hardtop

Scott Tozzi Maroon 1960 300 F Hardtop

John Webber Black 1960 300 F Hardtop

Bob Jasinski Black 1961 300 G Conv.

Barbara Major White 1961 300 G Hardtop

A picture of the grounds for the Chrysler 300 Class

Another picture of the show Grounds

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