President Kermit's 1967

Rich & Ruthanne Barber's 1955 C-300

Chuck Hill's 1962 300 Sport Coupe

Cele Smith & Maryann Toelle

Bruce Toelle & Tony Bevacqua

George & Rene Ver Berkmoes

Overhead of Kermit's 1967 300

Ted Larangiera's 300F

Scott Dejka red 300G & Gary Goers' black 300D

Scott Dejka's 300G


Barber's white C-300

Norm Frey's red C-300 en route to Laguna Raceway

Merle Wolfer, BF editor, accepting Golden Quill award
from Jim Krausman

Rich Barber's white C-300 entering Laguna Raceway

Larry Jett's red 1966 convertible & Tango Red
ballot box @ Coco's

Mike Burke accepting Golden Quill award on behalf of News-Flite editor Andy Mikonis

Paul Torkelson's 1979 300